ReminderX: User Research 
As part of the Kent State University (KSU) User Experience Design (UXD) program, I engaged in a comprehensive user-centered design process for an imaginary smartphone application called ReminderX. This application aims to cater to the needs of users seeking efficient reminder and to-do list management on both iPhone and Android devices.
ReminderX is an innovative start-up software company that has successfully developed and launched its application. The co-founders, Vera and Jorge, expressed the need to “transform the application’s current functionality into more than a generic to-do list and reminder application”. They provided our team with the freedom to determine the key areas of focus for future releases.
Project Goal
To address ongoing challenges, ReminderX sought guidance for future design iterations and improvements. I embarked on user research to gain comprehensive insights into the needs and preferences of the application's user base, which informed our research-driven redesign. As a result, the project was divided into two distinct parts to ensure a thorough and effective approach.
Part 1: Performing User Research
Identifying the target users. 

What does the user need from the app? And how can their goals be met? 
In which areas ReminderX can improve its user experience? 
Which improvements are most critical, and which are the least? (Assigning priority to identified improvements)
Part 2: Design
How should the new workflows and wire-frames be sketched based on user research and improvements identified?
​​​​​​​How to create the final mock-up of the design?
Research Approach
To gain a deeper understanding of user needs and preferences, I developed a user research protocol for ReminderX. This protocol consisted of targeted questions aimed at gathering insights on user backgrounds, their current use of to-do and reminder apps, the pros and cons of their current app, and feedback specifically regarding ReminderX's app.
For this research, I identified four target users who matched our desired demographic. Each user participated in a 1-on-1 research interview, lasting approximately 15 to 20 minutes. The interviews followed the structure outlined in the research protocol and were recorded both in video and audio formats. Notably, all four participants were full-time employees in multinational companies, aged between 25 and 35 years.
Using the data gathered from these user interviews, I created ideal user personas and design tenets. These personas provided valuable insights into the target user group, while the design tenets served as guiding principles for the redesign of ReminderX. By aligning our efforts with these user-centric elements, I aimed to create an improved user experience that resonated with our target audience.
Target Persona
My user research findings suggested that ReminderX should prioritize users who are inclined to customize the app according to their preferences. I developed a primary user persona named "Aakash" to represent this target audience.
Design Tenets
Based on the recommendations the design can be improved by the following design tenets:
Visual clarity: Enhance the overall user experience by creating visual hierarchy through various design elements such as text sizes, bullet points, numbering, check-marks, multi-level list options, and appropriate text and background colors. 
Categorization: Allow users to categorize their lists and reminders into well-defined categories (e.g., travel, grocery, subscription) to improve efficiency and usability of the app. 
Incorporate search capabilities: Enable users to easily search for specific items within their lists, providing quick access and reducing the hassle of navigating through extensive lists. 
Ready-to-use: Simplify task management for users by providing ready-to-use templates with pre-populated data for common day-to-day activities such as grocery shopping, payments, and more. 
Consider time zone differences: Acknowledge the common use case of travel and the challenges associated with different time zones. Implement features that allow users to create reminders and activities based on their geographical location, minimizing the effort required to account for time differences while planning travel-related tasks.
Workflows & Wireframes
In this redesign, our main emphasis was on ensuring intuitive discoverability of signifiers, enabling a smooth transition from the previous edition to the updated version. I also prioritized effective mapping to enhance the user experience.
The redesigned ReminderX product offers an enhanced, innovative, and intuitive user experience. It empowers users, promotes collaboration, and provides a sense of dependability.
Usability Testing
Formative testing was performed to assess the effectiveness of the initial design concepts for the ReminderX application. The objective of this testing was to validate the design and gain valuable insights for future design iterations.
The testing process involved gathering feedback on various aspects such as terminology, organization, functionality, and navigability. It aimed to uncover the users' comprehension of the product's purpose and evaluate its value.
For usability testing, four participants (two female and two male) who currently use reminder applications and prioritize organization were selected. These participants are employed individuals leading busy lives, spanning the ages of 25 to 35 and varying in skill levels.
Both in-person and remote testing sessions were conducted using a paper prototype, allowing participants to interact with the design. All testing sessions were recorded for later analysis and reference.
Iterative Design
Taking into account the findings from the usability testing and incorporating valuable feedback received during the test sessions, I made necessary updates to the design of ReminderX.
Ready-to-use templates: Users can now leverage pre-populated templates for common use-cases such as groceries, shopping, and travel. This feature enables users to create daily lists more efficiently.
Enhanced user control: Users have more control over customization options, including app defaults, font sizes, and colors. This allows them to personalize the app according to their preferences, improving the overall user experience.
Sorting options: Lists and reminders can now be sorted based on various criteria, including date created, date due, task status, and category. This feature provides flexibility and enables users to organize their tasks in a way that suits their needs.
Simplified layout: A simple yet efficient layout was implemented to motivate users to engage with the app more frequently. The streamlined design ensures that users can navigate and interact with ReminderX effortlessly, enhancing their overall experience.
Final App Design
Lessons Learned
Through an iterative and user-centered design process, I developed a compelling app design that effectively caters to ReminderX's target market. During the project, there were moments when it was tempting to impose a specific task management flow based on personal assumptions and preferences. However, I resisted this impulse and relied on my design tenets and the primary user persona, which guided me towards creating a flexible reminder app with optional features. By prioritizing user needs and preferences over personal biases, I ensured that the design aligns with the target audience's expectations, resulting in a more satisfying user experience.
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